In addition, the captain of the Kidō Corps has been known to obey summons and orders from the Head-Captain of the Thiriteen Court Guard Squads. However, as Soi Fon is both the captain of the Squad Two and the head of the Stealth Force, the Stealth Force is effectively under the Thirteen Court Guard Squads' control. Officially, the Kido Corps and Stealth Force are not part of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. The captain of one division cannot punish the subordinates of another captain. Captains are not allowed, without permission, to carry out activities outside of their normal jurisdiction or their squad. Unless specifically ordered by the Head-Captain, captains can choose whether or not to attend meetings (at their own risk) or not even involve themselves in the daily situations of the Soul Society. They are, in fact, so far spread out that getting the Captains together as a group, or even getting their lieutenants together as a group, could normally take a day to accomplish. On a regular basis, the captains are spread out all across the Soul Society doing their divisions' duties, whatever they may be. It is not uncommon for captains to not see each other as a whole group for long periods of time, except for cases involving a threat to all of the Soul Society, a captain's punishment, or to a lesser degree, a captain's promotion. The only general authority to call forth a combined front would be that of an edict from the Central 46 Chambers, or more often the Head-Captain. In addition to these duties, Shinigami also have to deal with the business of being assigned to the World of the Living. The Gotei 13's main duty is to defend the Seireitei but they are also allocated districts in the Rukon District to defend. The command of the divisions are generally left to the discretion of its particular Captain, who commonly runs it whatever way he or she sees fit, allowing for the change of a division's traditional duties to an entirely new set and even the creation of a separate institution connected to the division. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads, in contrast to the normal operations of modern-day militaries, does not operate as a cohesive unit normally. The deployment of Task Forces as defensive measures in the world of the living.The deployment of Squad members into enemy territory for combat operations.The defense of the Seireitei, the center of the Soul Society.The Thirteen Court Guard Squads serves as a military force with its primary responsibilities consisting of: All that is currently known is that it was founded by the current Head-Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto. The History of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads is somewhat unknown.